Racing 101+

This page reviews some basic racing info that you will want to know.


So, some have asked how it generally works for the race. Here is a basic description:

  1. Your rider checks in at the team tent. During check-in, we give them a numbered name plate that has a timing chip in it. DO NOT LOSE THIS PLATE!!. You will hand that plate back in at the end of the race at the team tent. Don't forget that! Your plate will be placed on your bike and one on your race kit as directed by the league. We will help with that and have ties and pins as needed.

  2. At Check-in, we will look up your call up number (set by the league) that determines your starting position in the race staging. We will write that on you arm in marker so they can easily see it in staging.

  3. After checking in, you will meet with your wave coach (coach assigned to your race) and discuss general race strategy, talk about the race, etc. 

  4. You will then do a general bike check to ensure your bike is all set to go.

  5. Next, about 30 minutes before your staging time, you will warm up in the designated warm up area.

  6. After warm up, your coach will take you to the staging area where they line you up by call up number, etc and get you ready to race. Parents have to stay at least 15 feet from staging areas. 

  7. Within 10-15 minutes of staging, they will count down from 10 and you will be turned loose to race! 

  8. Your race time starts the second the starters announces "Go" and ends the second you cross the finish line.

  9. If you are racing two laps, there is a feedzone just after you pass the finish line on the first lap where you will have team coaches/volunteers there to pass out water to dump on yourself (if wanted) and a new water bottle to use on the course (take with you) or to chug and dump - your choice. You will be moving quickly, so grab carefully and strong. Parents - you cannot enter this zone unless you are designated as a volunteer with a feedzone pass for this.

  10. If you are riding two laps, there is a cutoff time for your race  - meaning that if you do not complete the first lap in time, you will be pulled off the course and be done with your race, unable to ride the second lap. These times are generally pretty generous and not many experience this. If it does, don't worry - we will discuss adjusting your category or other strategies to help on future races.

  11. At the finish line, coaches will be in the finish area. NO PARENTS ARE ALLOWED IN THE FINISH AREA - meaning, the roped off area where kids come into immediately after they finish. Only coaches are allowed in there. We will have water for the riders in the finish area and a coach will be there to greet each kid as they come in. After they are recovered enough, they exit the finish area and are done!

  12. We will also have recovery snacks and drinks at the tent. Please - visit the tent after your race and RETURN YOUR RACE PLATE!

That's it. You are then free to return home, stick around and hang out, cheer on your teammates, and watch podiums, etc.  


This is a super important topic. Please abide by these rules

  1. Be as cooperative and kind as you can be with race officials/volunteers. Please don't make things difficult. Try to be patient and forgiving. Their jobs are long and can be difficult. Let's be as friendly as we can to them.

  2. Do not be the person who breaks rules or ignores signs, doesn't listen to course officials and volunteers, or other.

  3. Leave No Trace. Please follow general outdoor ethics on the course. Use designated bathrooms, garbage dispensers, etc. Don't litter or cut trails unnecessarily, Don't harm vegetation that isn't necessary, etc. You get the picture. Be good stewards of the land. 

  4. WALK (NO RIDING) in the pitzone areas. This area and others are off-limits to riding your bike. Walk it through that area always. We can be penalized as a team and you as an individual for breaking this rule blatantly and openly. 

  5. Cheer on everyone! We want to be the kind of people and team that cheers for others, no matter what team. Let's be encouraging out there. All these kids have worked hard and are doing their best. No trash talking, down-talking, or anything less than kindness is acceptable. Let's keep up our reputation for being an awesome culture team who people like and want to race with.

  6. Don't ever interfere with races. Period. Don't cut it close as you cross the course, don't touch racers, don't do things to distract or scare them, and don't do anything that would at all question the fairness of the race. Do not encourage poor behavior either.

Our team has a great reputation so far for being helpful, nice, friendly, and encouraging. Let's keep that up and be a great example of this!


There are two kinds of awards given out at the race:

Individual Awards/Podiums
For the top 5 kids in each race, there is a podium spot ad a medal given.

Team Awards
At the end of the day, teams receive a total score based on their top scoring high school racers. In our division, we score the top 8 scores from our team. These scores are both based on race category and placing by the riders. We are ranked against other teams in our division (division 2) and the top 3 teams receive trophies for the race.


Lodging at races is up to you. Depending on the race venue/location, you can have any number of options. The two most popular options are 1) a local hotel, and 2) camping.

  • Hotels can be limited in small cities or a long distance away (ie Powder Mountain). You will want to book these very early.

  • Camping is made available near the race for a lot of race locations, such as Price or Moab or Vernal. However, they are on a first come, first serve basis, and are limited in space. Of course, you are welcome to find other camping areas on your own as well. Rules for fires/cooking and such are posted in the race info sheet for each race and you will want to make sure you obey those rules. Each race info sheet also usually describes camping options for the race that the League provides, but not for other local campgrounds/options.

You are not allowed to camp inside the pitzone or parking lot, generally.


We have a "pitzone" area at the race that is sized based on our team size and allows us to have our trailer and setup our team tents, etc. We will have seating, repair stands, etc there for use. Generally, first priority for space should be given to racers. We will accommodate as many as we can in the tents, but it will not handle everyone. So, we encourage you to bring your own chairs, hammocks, or even a pop up tent if you want. There are lots of places around the race area and course where you can set up and hang out, including in the trees. We'd love you to hang out with us as much as you can and also cheer on our team out on the course as much as you can too. 


There are a number of things you need to check and do before you race. here is a checklist for you:

  • Get good sleep this week. Seriously. Sleep is critical.

  • Make sure to stretch during the week to keep lose and limber and to help your muscles repair and recover for the race.

  • Eat well. Above almost anything, how you eat in preparation for a race is super important. Also, especially for high school riders, you will want to have something to quickly eat while racing. Nearly an hour of racing will empty your reserves quickly. You will want to be eating something simple as you race. Do not let food be the reason you run out of gas!

  • Hydrate: you should be hydrating well all week and be well hydrated before you race. Do not wait till you are thirsty and racing to drink. We never want our tanks empty.

  • Check your Bike. Make sure your bike is repaired/tuned. Your bike is your responsibility. On-course mechanical issues are really lame and when we can avoid them, we want to. So, please make sure your bike is in working order. We will be doing bike checks, etc during practice on Thursday night this week - so if you want to get a check, you can do it then, but we are not a repair shop, so if you need anything fixed beyond basic tuning, get it to a shop ASAP! Also, make sure you check-in on race day on-time so we can do a bike check then as well. If your tires are balding, get a new tire. If you need new brake pads, get them done, etc.

  • Check your helmet - you must have a helmet in good condition. Just make sure there are no glaring defects with your helmet (big dents, etc). You can't ride with an unsafe helmet. 

  • Get a repair kit to take with you on the course - including carrying a tube. You have to generally make your own repairs on the course if you want to keep going or not get a time penalty.

  • Come with all your needed gear (Water, food, helmet, shoes, clothing/race kit), etc. By rule, you must ride in a team branded top minimum.


We will post the League Rulebook when it is available.


Watch this helpful video put out by Lone Peak Jr Devo: