Pre-Season Email - 4/1/2021
Dear Team...
ARE YOU READY TO GO??!! Pre-season is officially here! Registration is open for the League, for our team, etc. We are in full go mode now. And soon, we'll be riding together as a team. I am REALLY EXCITED! Can you tell?
btw, if you missed the team informational meetings and want to watch one of our online meetings and/or see the presentation deck, check out a recording and a link to the presentation on our website on the "Join the Team" page.
Alright, there is a lot of information I want to pass along, so hang on tight here, and pay attention. Make sure to click on the appropriate links and read everything!
We are trying something new for providing information this year - using a new technology platform for us that allows us to create lots of great documentation and share it easily. We are building that content out and transferring it from documents to the web this next week. So I will be providing some information here in the email and some will be provided in the links below. Ok, let's go...
First order - GET REGISTERED. This is outlined on our website here:
There are essentially two registrations I need you to take care of now:
TEAM REGISTRATION: I need this to get done as soon as you can. It closes May 31st. Please do this now. You can select the "Pay by Invoice" option if you need or want to pay later, etc. Payment will need to be taken care of by May 31st. But at least then I have your information as registered and joining our team. I need this so we can plan on numbers for our pre-season activities and for swag we are ordering for you like t-shirts, hats, etc. So, get to it, and get registered as soon as you can.
LEAGUE REGISTRATION: This needs to be done by May 31st, but the sooner the better. This is done in the NICA Ptizone:
Returning Riders - you can go login to Pitzone, you already have a login and can register. Plus, I just sent all of you an invite to register again.
New Riders - I will send you an invitation to register once you have filled out the team registration (even if you haven't paid). I will be sending those out Tuesday, April 2, and then each day as registrations come in.
If you have any questions about registration, please let me know!
If you are needing financial assistance this year, please fill out this form:
We will review and discuss with you options and what we can do for you. Remember, finances is not the reason you cannot join the team. Please talk to us if you need help.
Don't forget, if you help us find a sponsor that commits to us this year, you will get the following: 1) for a $500 sponsor, you get 1 free team fee. 2) for a $1,000 or above sponsor, you get both your team fee and your race kit paid for!
Slack is our team communication platform. Here is an invite you can click to join it:
Also, here is a link to a page where I am building more information and will be providing training on how to use it - in case it's confusing to you. It's free, fast, and very flexible for our needs.
There are three ways - YES, THREE ways that you can get our schedule for pre-season and on-going. Option 3 has the most details, but all will have enough to get you where you need to be, when you need to be there.
If you want a ton of great details about what we're doing each practice, where it is, times, map links, and more!: GO TO CALENDAR
You can actually make that page an app on your phone by making a shortcut to it. We'll send out instructions if you want that.Check out this google calendar and add it to your calendar:
The google calendar is synced to our website here:
The store is now open to order your kits. Here is how it works...
HEADS UP: we will have a race kit fitting day on our Saturday, April 17th practice, so you can try sizes before ordering if you want.
Go to: - the password is: BikesOfPrey
All riders need to purchase a "Cedar Valley 2021 Race Kit" - that is bundled in the $100 package at the top. You will be able to pick either the Downhill (baggier) style kit or the XC (traditional race) style kit.
ALSO, in that same package, you will see an option for selecting a hoodie size and tech-t-shirt size. That is not an additional cost. They are making those for us, and it is covered in your team fee. We just need your sizes for that. Every kid will get a hoodie and the tech t-shirt.
You can also purchase any additional items you want at your own cost that are listed in the store as well, including additional pieces of the race kits, gloves, hoodies, etc. That includes parents. these will be an added cost to the $100 package each kid needs.
JUST TO BE CLEAR - every kid is required by our league to have a team uniform. So this is not an optional purchase.
Please see our calendar for details , but just a reminder, of our first two practice dates and times:
APRIL 10th, 8:30 - 11:30 am - Jordan River Parkway Trailhead (Saratoga Springs) - 8:30 am at Hidden Hollow, or 8:50 am at the trailhead. We will carpool from the school down there and back - you are welcome to just meet us there as well.
APRIL 17th 9:00 - 11:30 am - Brandon Park, Eagle Mountain - large park on Brandon Park Dr. down in the Edge Development near the rodeo grounds. This is our race kit fitting date and a skills training day.
We need ride leaders and coaches. We are required to meet a specific base ratio of adults to kids when we ride. This means, we need as many of you or your friends as possible to register as a ride leader, do a tiny bit of training online, and come ride with us as often as you can/would like. We would love as many of you as possible. Without this, we cannot practice. It's an awesome experience, you can ride where you are comfortable riding, and you'll ride and learn right alongside your kids if you want. It's one of the best things to do, and we want you all. You do not need to be at any specific level of rider. Trust me! Anyone that can and would like to, please let me know so I can send you an invitation to register.
We would love your involvement in any way we can get. We have three great ways we would love your help:
Share your time and talents as a volunteer in some way (photography, graphic design, social media, etc) - let us know and we'll find a place for you to help.
Share the attached sponsor packet with businesses you know and ask them to be a sponsor this year.
We take donations. Spread the word with your family and friends. We have a Venmo and a link for donations - check it out on our SUPPORT US PAGE
Donations go towards helping with scholarships for the team and our bike library.
We also have a team store where during the season you can buy stuff (you can buy at races and other activities as well). Check it out here: STORE
We'll be adding items as we go. We also have some items from last year for sale there.We have a few brand new bikes available for purchase, if you need one. Reach out to me if this is the case. We have gone out to get ahead of things so that we had some inventory available. I can send details. These are entry level bikes,but good ones. All under $700.
Thanks for hanging in on this long email! I hope it is helpful. If you have any questions, PLEASE let me know. Don't struggle in silence and don't be afraid to ask any question. We want to help make this an easy and awesome experience for you!
I am super excited to have each and everyone of you on our team this year and look forward to spending awesome times on bikes with you all!